1. | 2020 | Penulis Sugito, Erdiansyah Rahmi, Mira Delima, Nurliana, Rusli, and M. Is Judul publikasi Effect of Salix Tetrasperma Roxb Extract on The Value of Feed Conversion Ratio, Carcass Weight, and Abdominal Fat Content of Broiler Chicken with Heat Stress Condition https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/pdf/2020/11/e3sconf_icvaes2020_01034.pdf |
2. | 2019 | Penulis Nurliana, T. Fadrial Karmil, T. Reza Ferasyi, Darmawi, Razali, Sugito, Rastina, Ismail Judul publikasi Identification of Risk Factors and Seroprevalence For Septicemia Epizootica (SE) Endemic Case Of Buffaloes in Aceh Barat, Aceh https://www.atlantis-press.com/proceedings/isessah-19/125927964 |
3. | 2018 | Penulis Nurliana, Sema Coumandary, Fashihah R. N. Farimansyah, Sugito, Dian Masyitha, Darmawi, Erina, Gholib, Erdiansya Rahmi, and Ismail Judul publikasi Effect of AKBISprob Supplementation on Antibacterial-Producing Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) Isolated from Laying Hens Intestine http://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/hemera/article/view/23754/15643 |
4. | 2017 | Penulis N. Nurliana, S. Sugito, and D. Masyitha. Judul publikasi Histomorfometri of Broiler Small Intestine after Administrated of Soybean Waste and Palm Kernel Meal Fermented by Aspergillus niger (AKBISprob). http://repository.pertanian.go.id/handle/123456789/5008 |
5. | 2012 | Penulis Sugito, Samadi, and Nurliana Judul publikasi The Influence of Heat Stress and Powder of Jaloh Leaves Supplementation into Commer-cial Fish Feed on Body Weight Gain, Hematokrit Level, and Malondialdehid Content in the Nila?s Liver https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/f036/8560c5e1d740ad6e452fc898bda04b3bff77.pdf |
6. | 2008 | Penulis Sugito, Erdiansyah Rahmi, dan Ros Sumarni Judul publikasi Penentuan Dosis Letal Ekstrak n-Heksan Kulit Batang Jaloh (Salik tetrasperma Roxb) dan Efeknya terhadap Perubahan Histopatologi Hati dan Ginjal Mencit https://rp2u.unsyiah.ac.id/index.php/welcome/prosesDownload/289/5 |
7. | 2007 | Penulis R. Sumarny, Sugito, and Ruri, N. Judul publikasi Subchronic effect of ethanol extract of jaloh bark to SGOT and SGPT level in serum and liver histopathology of rat http://dosen.univpancasila.ac.id/dosenfile/2082221004133880413704June2012.pdf |